As I felt the overwhelming weight of my precarious situation on my shoulder, I longed for something, anything to hold on to. I needed to put my trust in a higher power, the Universe, God, anything to assure myself that no matter how tough the situation was becoming, all will be alright. I will be alright.
I had heard of the power of meditation before, but had never seriously thought of giving it a try. In an effort to numb the pain, calm the dread building up in the pit of stomach and the uncertainty of it all, I took a hold of the remote control and started scrolling up and down the TV channels. At around one o'clock in the morning, there was barely anything worth watching that could transport me away from the now.

I stumbled upon a show's segment dedicated to meditation and its popularity in South Korea. I was intrigued. I remember the presenter saying that a number of neuroscience studies confirm meditation relieves anxiety, depression, and stress and could help some respond to certain situations calmly and appropriately. Was the presenter talking to me?
"Meditation relieves anxiety, depression, depression and stress and could help respond to certain situations calmly and appropriately."
It was faith. I remained as still as a the couch I was sitting on while my brain was swirling at a hundred miles an hour. My heart beating just a little faster. Was this the help I needed? I refocused my attention on the TV screen. The presenter was now interviewing a monk about what to do to start a meditation routine. My eyes and ears were glued to the screen. His advise was, to start with one minute, one day and one breath at a time.
As soon as the segment was over, I turned off the TV, set up the timer on my phone, sat a little straighter with my legs crossed under me and closed my eyes. I inhaled and exhaled, for an entire minute focusing on my breath. Every time my mind would wander, I struggled to bring it back to the moment. To the now. I jumped a little when my phone timer went off. I felt calmer, hopeful. "Everything will be ok," the small voice in my heart whispered.
My problems were not solved and I still had a long way to go, but my outlook had changed. I knew I will get through it. And I did.
So began my meditation journey. One day, one minute, one breath at a time.
A scent, essential oil, or incense can also help create an atmosphere allowing you to focus on the now.
Here are a few of the apps I used to help (I don't recommend spending money if it's just for meditation). These apps have limited free meditation access. The fiton app is the best:
Fitton App

Photography by ZanouNelie